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Potter, Beatrix (1866 – 1943)

An excellent two page autograph letter signed by Beatrix Potter, signed with both her real name, “H.B. Hellis” and her famous pseudonym, “Beatrix Potter”. Dated May 27th 1943, Potter writes to Professor David Duff regarding a letter she had received from Annis Duff (children’s books editor at Viking Press) and consenting to the use of quotations from her work. She goes on to express her concerns about her characters being translated into the film medium. In part, “As regards her letter I may say “you do me proud and make me blush!!” Her compliments are too well chosen to be satiating or nauseous (there’s fine words for you!) She really does appreciate what I tried to say, and understands that my little books were written carefully. As regards Mr. Treble (of N.Y. Branch F.W. & Co.) saying that I object to quotations, he must be under some mistake?ArrayI should be sorry to see Peter and his friends perverted to vulgarity – (I suffered real anxiety for six months when a film company had the option to turn them into a “Talkie” but it was F. Warne (Potter’s publisher) themselves that took up the idea. When we found later that the film co. proposed to expand the text I didn’t like it; fortunately it fell through). I am quite sure there could be no possible objection to Mrs. Ramsay’s quotations from “Peter” & “Mrs. Tittlemouse”. I give my consent. The other from the Fairy Caravan is a longer quotation… I cannot imagine any reason… to object; it would be a good advertisement for a book, which is much liked by a few, but not a very good seller… Good luck to you all who have come over the Atlantic to help England.” A few pencil annotations beneath the text in another hand. In very fine condition. An exceptional letter.