Moore, Henry (1898 – 1986)
A two-page autograph letter signed by Henry Moore, ‘Henry’, January 26th 1943.
The artist writes to Hartley, thanking for a letter, and noting, ‘I don’t know what I can do about this Aid to China show, that’s why I haven’t yet replied to the invitation to exhibit. He goes on, ‘I’ve not yet got any new sculpture done, I’ve been going on drawing, and have just handed over to be sent to New York all the new drawings I’ve done, about 25, and that means at present I’ve got not work at all available… Perhaps if it’s not too soon I may have a drawing or two ready…’
Moore then refers to a ‘little lead figure of mine still at the L.M…. I’ll call and collect one day soon.’ He closes by congratulating his correspondent on a new job. ‘I shall be very pleased if you represent some of my coalmine drawings in the show.’
Some age-spotting to both sides of the letter, otherwise in fine condition.
Moore refers here to some of his famous World War Two drawings in the year that he received his commission by St. Matthew’s Church, Northampton to carve a Madonna and child — the first of his important family-sized sculptures.