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autographed letter by Modigliani

Modigliani, Amedeo (1884 – 1920)

A one-page autograph letter signed by Amedeo Modigliani, “Modigliani”, on a 6″ X 4″ postcard. The artist writes to the German expressionist painter Ludwig Meidner. In full, “My dear Meidner, Kindly send back the paintings that you are holding. I have an absolute need for them. Please respond to me by post. Mrs. Arnheim, who is in Paris, send you her greetings, Modigliani”.

ArrayHand-addressed by the artist to the reverse and post-marked 13th November 1907. In very fine condition. Due to his early death, Modigliani’s autograph is rare in any format, with only a handful of items surfacing on the market in the past thirty years. A fabulous, potentially irrepleceable, addition to any collection of artists’ autographs.