


Carver, Raymond (1938 – 1988)

‘I sideswiped a car before I got out of Dublin, but I kept going, of course.’

A good typed letter signed by Raymond  Carver (‘Ray’), July 9th 1985, addressed to his Dutch publisher, Theo Sontrop, and written in his customary dry style.

The author opens by thanking his correspondent for his recent hospitality ‘and all the many kindnesses you extended while we were in Amsterdam. I won’t forget it.’ He goes on, ‘We made it to Ireland, finally. But we didn’t stay quite as long as we’d thought. We were tired from living out of suitcases. We stayed three days in Dublin and then rented a car and drove it to the north, Belfast and such places. Migod, never, under any circumstances, drive a car in Ireland. Traffic, of course, is on the opposite side of the road from what I’m used to, and the Irish drivers are worse than the Brazilians and Mexicans. It was an ordeal that I don’t ever look forward to doing over again… I actually sideswiped a car before I got out of Dublin, but I kept going, of course.’

Carver continues by noting he has recently moved, and is now living in a ‘much larger house that’s more compatible for two working writers’ and then concluding, ‘We are fine and happy and we talk of you often… I’m very… happy that you and I got to know each other a bit.’

In fine condition, with age toning around the edges. Together with the original transmittal envelope. Letters of Carver are quite scarce.