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Cable, George Washington (1844 – 1925)

A presentation signature by writer and social critic, George Washington Cable, on a sheet of paper, dated 1887, together with a one-page autograph manuscript by Cable (initialled “G.W.C.”), headed, “Footnote to Home Culture Clubs”. In full, “The reading of a number of pages by one of four or eight persons to the rest, is not exactly the same as the reading of four or eight times as many pages by one person; but as the pages are either read or heard in a studious spirit by every member present, and as the hearing is intended to be as nearly as possible equivalent to each one’s reading, the result is probably estimated fairly enough in this way. ArrayHowever, about five-sixths of the reading is done out of meeting, and only the number of pages actually read by each reader is reported.”

In fine condition. The Home Culture Clubs were founded by Cable, designed as reading groups, for (in Cable’s words), “the education and social culture of working men and women, the improvement of their home life and the establishment of friendly relations between widely separated elements of society”.