Blyton, Enid (1897 – 1968)
Blyton writes to a group of children…
A 3.5″ X 5.5″ postcard featuring a photograph of Enid Blyton’s daughter Gillian.
On the message side, Enid Blyton has written a message beginning, ‘Dear Children, What a lovely Easter egg you have sent for Gillian & Imogen! Thank you very much indeed: it is very kind of you. I know they will be most excited when they see it. What a beauty it is, isn’t it!’ She goes on, ‘Thank you too for your lovely parcel of nice flat silver paper. I am very pleased to have it. I have a nice lot of sacks full again now. Please thank Miss Richardson for her kind and interesting letter. I was pleased to read all about you and what you do. You seem very keen on Nature!’ The author closes, ‘This is Gillian. She sends you XXX. Bob sends licks. Imogen sends hugs. Best wishes to your teacher and a very happy Easter to you all. Much love from Enid Blyton.’
In very fine condition.