Search Catalogue
Aston, Francis William (1877 – 1945)
Interesting autograph statement by the Nobel Prize winner
£450 -
Baird, John Logie (1888 – 1946)
A Baird letter about television!
£850 -
Balfour, Arthur (1848 – 1930)
Large signed photo by PM Balfour
£550 -
Bell, Alexander Graham (1847 – 1922)
An archive of Bell letters about ‘Visible Speech’
£12,500 -
Bell, Alexander Graham (1847 – 1922)
Rare Signed Portrait by Bell
£5,950 -
Beneš, Edvard (1884 – 1948)
Nice signed photo by Beneš
£175 -
Besant, Annie (1847 – 1933)
Signed portrait by Besant
£850 -
Blyton, Enid (1897 – 1968)
Blyton writes to a group of children
£350 -
Bragg, William Lawrence (1890 – 1971)
A Nobel Laureate meditates on the honour
£375 -
Carter, Howard (1874 – 1939)
Carter records his Tutankhamun profits!
£7,500 -
Carter, Howard (1874 – 1939)
The tape measure used on Tutenkhamun!
£12,500 -
Carter, Howard (1874 – 1939)
Carter’s own thermos flasks!
£7,500 -
Chamberlain, Neville (1869 – 1940)
Chamberlain’s ‘difficult days’ in the aftermath of his 1940 resignation
£3,150 -
Charles III, King (1948 – )
5-year old Prince Charles writing to his father!
£9,500 -
Charles III, King (1948 – )
An amusing drawing from Charles to his father
£8,500 -
Charles III, King (1948 – ) & Diana, Princess (1961 – 1997)
Charles & Diana sign in 1981